Unplugged People

It occurs to me that if the average person is inundated and over-occupied by the constant din and clatter of the online world, then unplugging will become a superpower.

When you relegate the computer to a small desk in an insignificant spot; when you begin to see it as nothing more than a tool which is briefly used and then left; when your phone lives in the cradle instead of in your pocket; when you remember how to move and think without a device between you and your reality, then the time of your day suddenly opens. Hours are returned to you.

The unplugged people will achieve depth that is rare; focus that is singular. They will fill their days in such a way that the average person will ask "How do you find the time?" They will move through life rarely rushed. They will sleep more soundly and take take fewer pills. They will spend less and they will be freed from outrage.

I hope to be one of these people; these unplugged people. I hope I will continue to seek silence. I hope I will leisurely read books in days rather than hurriedly reading them in weeks, or months. I hope I will write useful thoughts. I hope I will understand what prayer means for an unreligious man. I hope I will learn to listen. I hope I will continue what I've only just begun.


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