Ways to beat brain fog

These aren’t surprising, but they’ve worked for me.

  1. Drink water - hydration makes a bigger impact than get’s credit. When drinking coffee, you should be having one water per cup of coffee, at minimum.

  2. Sleep - even a 30 minute deficit of sleep will make me noticeably dumber the next day.

  3. Take vitamins - cars don’t run without the right gas, neither do our brains. Don’t guess. Find out what your body is lacking and provide it.

  4. Exercise - outdoor walks get the brain pumping. But indoor stuff like pushups, sit-ups, Turkish getups, bird-dogs, etc are needed as well. When my body feels weak, my brain lags alongside it.

  5. Take breaks - the standard advice is to stand up. That’s the bare minimum. You need to leave the room. Step away from the computer. Look out the window. Go outside for a minute. And stretch. A tense, cramped, achy body diverts your attention more than you realize.

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